Survive & Protect the Virus (2021) '15

Philemon Mukarno Performance Art Survive and Protect the Virus (2021)’15 No Art, IJland, Amsterdam

Survive & Protect the Virus (2021) '15

To Survive and Protect from the corona virus pandemic, a bold and thought form of naked performance art. This unique expression sought to convey the vulnerability and rawness of the human experience during these trying times.

As artists bared their bodies to symbolize the exposed nature of society, they also delivered a powerful message of resilience and survival. Through their performances, they depicted the courage needed to confront an invisible enemy, the virus, which challenged our very existence.

Transitioning from conventional art to naked performance art was a daring move, as it embraced discomfort and provoked conversations about the pandemic’s impact on mental health, social connections, and our ability to adapt.

The naked performers aimed to break down societal barriers, evoking emotions that were often suppressed during the pandemic’s isolation. Their performances conveyed unity and empathy, fostering a sense of togetherness despite the physical distance.

While controversial, this form of art offered a unique perspective on surviving the coronavirus. It encouraged viewers to reflect on their own struggles, strength, and perseverance during these unprecedented times.

Ultimately, naked performance art served as a powerful reminder that surviving the coronavirus extended beyond physical health – it encompassed emotional resilience, creativity, and the human spirit’s indomitable nature.

Philemon Mukarno Performance Art Survive and Protect the Virus (2021)’15 No Art, IJland, Amsterdam
Philemon Mukarno Performance Art Survive and Protect the Virus (2021)’15 No Art, IJland, Amsterdam

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