Philemon Mukarno Performance Art Covid air (2020) ’15 NoArt Festival A’DAM Tower, Amsterdam

Covid Air (2020) '15

Covid Air is an Isolation, Ritual of Purification, Spiritual Contemplation, and Symbol of Unity.

Philemon Mukarno Performance Art Covid air (2020) ’15 NoArt Festival A’DAM Tower, Amsterdam

The balloon serves as a powerful encompassing multiple meanings, particularly in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. As it floats through the air, it represents isolation and acts as a protective barrier from the outside world. This mirrors the importance of social distancing and quarantine during these challenging times. Just like the balloon keeps its occupants enclosed, individuals must remain physically apart to safeguard themselves and others from the virus.

inside the balloon can be seen as a ritual of purification and cleansing. The act of consciously entering this confined space signifies a commitment to keeping safe and preventing the virus’s spread. It represents a deliberate effort to maintain personal hygiene, follow precautionary measures, and engage in responsible behavior during the pandemic.

Within the balloon’s limited space, one may find a moment of introspection and spiritual contemplation. Facing adversity often leads people to seek solace and connection to their inner selves and higher power. The balloon, in its simplicity, becomes a sanctuary for self-reflection and inner exploration during these challenging times.

In a broader sense, the balloon is a unity and shared responsibility. Just as the occupants of the balloon rely on each other for a safe and enjoyable journey, the pandemic highlights the importance of collective efforts. Every individual’s actions can impact others’ well-being, emphasizing the need for solidarity and a unified approach in combating the virus.

Philemon Mukarno Performance Art Covid air (2020) ’15 NoArt Festival A’DAM Tower, Amsterdam Thus, the balloon becomes a multifaceted symbol encompassing themes of isolation, purification, spiritual reflection, and collective responsibility—reminding us of the significance of our choices and actions in shaping the outcome of this global challenge.

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